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This the FAQ page of my website. Here you can find some FAQ (frequently asked questions) some of my viewers may have about my website and services, and I answer them for you!

  • Where can I find the Terms Of Use and Privacy Policy for my website?
    You can find both of them under the Code Of Conduct drop down menu.
  • Where can I find new changes I make to the website?
    You can find the new changes I make to the website on the "What's New" page.
  • How do I comment on your videos?
    You can comment on my videos via the comments plugin under the video player, or attach the comments to the videos themselves.
  • Do I need an account to watch my all of my Video Production videos or only some?
    You need an account to watch most of them. Some of them are free to watch, such as videos that come from YouTube and a few select videos.
  • What equipment to you use to record your videos?
    Here is the equipment and software I use to record my videos: Computer: Apple iMac M1 Silicon 21 inch (2021 model) Software: Adobe Premiere Pro 2024, Final Cut Pro Ver 10.7, iMovie and DaVnci Resolve Camera: Nikon Coolpix P100 Microphone: Phone or iMac microphone
  • Where can I find the schedule of Special Olympics events?
    You can find the schedule for upcoming events in the schedule of events section under the Special Olympics drop down menu.
  • How often are the Live Special Olympics Updates page refreshed?
    Whenever I get the chance to. It might not be updated until I'm in a location with good Wifi to update the page. Check the page often when a big Special Olympics event is going on or about to and it might be updated then! It might take time.
  • What features differ when you play videos on my website compared to the YouTube website?
    Many things. You can't leave YouTube comments, like or dislike videos, save them to a playlist, and more. In order to do those actions, you have to go to the YouTube website. Click on the YouTube logo on the video player to go to the YouTube website, or type YouTube in the search bar at the top of your browser.
  • Do I need an account to access any of my Gaming Content?
    No, You don't need an account at all to access any of my gaming content.
  • Super Mario Maker for the Wii U no longer lets anyone upload more levels or comment on existing courses. Can I still play any of the levels you uploaded without those features?
    Absolutely! My levels will remain on the Super Mario Maker servers until Nintendo Removes them or when the ability to play online on the Wii U gets discontinued. You can comment on my courses via the comments plugin on the Super Mario Maker web page on my website.
  • What happened to my Animal Crossing New Horizon's island?
    Recently, I got a new Switch, and I haven't transferred my island over to my new switch yet, and my old switch does not work as of now. That means the island's dream has not been updated in a long time. In the future though, the island will be transferred. Keep checking this post for updates!
  • Do I need any equipment to access any of my gaming content myself?
    Yes. You need the required game system, and the game software to play any of my gaming content.
  • What is "JB Productions"?
    JB Productions is my business website! I currently make paintings, edit videos, make and burn DVDS and CDS, and edit photos for you! Check out the video below for a tour of my business website! Visit my website today and see if we can help you! 😀
  • Important information regarding visiting other websites.
    My Terms of Use and Privacy Policy don't apply to other websites, so by leaving my website going to other websites, you will have to follow their Terms Of Use and Privacy Policy going forward.
  • How can I see the events that I registered for?
    You can see your events by clicking "Events" in the drop down menu on your profile page.
  • Do I need an account to do certain things on my website?
    Yes. You need an account to watch some of my Video Production videos, as well as to visit certain pages on my website, reserve for events, be in my website group, and write forums.
  • When am I available to chat?
    I am able to chat whenever I'm not busy.
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