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Takulandirani kugawo la Special Olympics patsamba langa! Apa mutha kudziwa zomwe tikuchita mu Special Olympics, komanso kuwona zomwe tikuchita pambuyo pake! Yang'ananinso pafupipafupi kuti muwone zosintha zaposachedwa, komanso zithunzi ndi makanema aulendo wanga! Onerani kanema yomwe ndidapanga kuti ndidziwe momwe kupikisana kumakhalira, komanso zosangalatsa zonse zomwe tili nazo!!

Dinani vidiyoyi kuti muwonere:

Sign up for Special Olympics today! Watch the video below to find out more information on what sports the Special Olympics offer and to meet the team, as well as how to sign up and what times they practice!
(This video applies to the Southern Tier area of New York only)

Click on one of the buttons below to go to their respective pages. Have fun!


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