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Siyakwamukela esigabeni se-Special Olympics sewebhusayithi yami! Lapha ungagcina usesikhathini samanje esikwenzayo kuma-Special Olympics, futhi ubone ukuthi imiphi imicimbi esiyenzayo ngokulandelayo! Hlola futhi njalo ukuze uthole izibuyekezo ezibukhoma, kanye nezithombe namavidiyo ohambo lwami! Buka le vidiyo engiyenzile ukuze ngithole ukuthi kunjani ukuncintisana, kanye nabo bonke ubumnandi obumangalisayo esinabo!!

Chofoza ividiyo ukuze uyibuke:

Sign up for Special Olympics today! Watch the video below to find out more information on what sports the Special Olympics offer and to meet the team, as well as how to sign up and what times they practice!
(This video applies to the Southern Tier area of New York only)

Click on one of the buttons below to go to their respective pages. Have fun!


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