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Arkivju tar-rilaxxi tal-passat

X'hemm Ġdid: Mit-23 ta' Mejju 2022:

1. Il-Websajt huwa finalment online u ħaj, yay!
2. It-tab tal-Paġna ġiet aġġornata biex tinkludi titoli ewlenin
3. Ġiet miżjuda buttuna "Scripts" u "Storyboard" mat-tab tal-Produzzjoni tal-Vidjo
4. It-tab tal-blogs issa tinsab hawn

Aġġornament: 25 ta' Mejju 2022:

1. Il-websajt tiegħi issa tista' taraha b'diversi lingwi.

2.  Il-websajt tiegħi issa għandha Verżjoni Mobile Friendly!
Iċċekkjaha fuq l-app Wix jew Spaces.

3.   Il-Paġna tal-Produzzjonijiet tal-Vidjo ħadet aġġornament._cc781905-5cde-31905-bb35-cf586

X'hemm ġdid mid-29 ta' Ġunju 2022:

1. Il-websajt ġiet issimplifikata għal esperjenza snappy

2. Issa għandi paġna fuq Facebook għall-websajt tiegħi! Araha fuq il-paġna ewlenija.

3. Ġew miżjuda Paġna ta’ Termini ta’ Użu u Paġna ta’ Politika ta’ Privatezza.

4. Ġie miżjud arkivju tal-Aġġornamenti tal-Olimpjadi Speċjali tal-passat.

5. Aktar kontenut ġie miżjud fi Storyboards u Scripts, ukoll, il-paġni tagħhom issa għandhom buttuna apposta fuq it-tab tagħżel!

6. Ġew miżjuda aktar lingwi!

Whats New as of September 29, 2022:

1. The Museum is now open

2. The Video Production Section has been updated with new content, such as audio projects and more scripts and ideas

3. A more understandable Special Olympics schedule has been added.

4. A more modern refresh of the website

5. Both the Terms Of Use and Privacy Policy have been updated 

What's new as of March 28, 2023:

1. I added a store to my website! It isn't ready at the moment though... I will let you know when it's ready!

2. I passed my Adobe Premiere Pro ​​​certification test and got a badge! See my badge on the awards page!

3. A Highlights page has been added to the Video Production page! This is where you can see my best moments from my time taking classes in that field!

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