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Fuq din il-paġna tal-websajt tiegħi, se tara l-pjanijiet tiegħi ta 'dak li qed naħseb dwar li nżid mal-websajt fil-futur.
Hawn hu dak li qed nippjana li nżid mal-websajt f'aġġornamenti futuri:

1. First of all, I want to make this website bustling with my friends from my social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. I already have my 2 YouTube Channels embeded on my website, so next I will embed my Instagram Feed on my website, which I finished. 2. I want to make my website as mobile friendly as possible, I will correct the text and make text boxes as correct as possible. 3. I want to complete the gaming content page as well as it's content as fast as possible.

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