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F'din il-paġna għandek issib livelli li ppubblikajt fuq "Course World" fuq il-logħba oriġinali Super Mario Maker għall-Wii U.
Jekk jogħġbok innota li din il-paġna mhux se tiġi aġġornata bħall-paġni l-oħra tal-kontenut tal-logħob sahra minħabba li l-abbiltà li ttella 'livelli fid-dinja tal-kors fil-logħba oriġinali twaqqaf fil-31 ta' Marzu, 2021. B'dan intqal nispera li tgawdi l-livelli!


Dinja 1-1 ID: FDDC-0000-0306-B63D

Mario Maker photo 1.jpg

Diffikultajiet ID: 95C0-0000-031D-878F

Yoshi Factory .jpg

Yoshi Distruzzjoni tal-Fabbrika ID: 3A3C-0000-88AC


Gwida lil Bowser sal-finitura! ID: E921-0000-0324-E275


Kors iebes 1 ID: 3EA2-0000-0326-2403

My Super Mario Maker Levels (Wii U) Complete

Super Mario Maker Wii U - World 1-1 Playthrough (My Version)

Josh Brown
Super Mario Maker Wii U - World 1-1 Playthrough (My Version)
Super Mario Maker Wii U - World 1-1 Playthrough (My Version)
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Super Mario Maker Wii U - World 1-1 Playthrough (My Version)

Super Mario Maker Wii U - Difficulties Playthrough (All Routes)
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Super Mario Maker Wii U - Difficulties Playthrough (All Routes)

Super Mario Maker Wii U - Yoshi Destroying Factory Playthrough
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Super Mario Maker Wii U - Yoshi Destroying Factory Playthrough

Super Mario Maker Wii U - Guide Bowser To The Finish Playthrough
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Super Mario Maker Wii U - Guide Bowser To The Finish Playthrough

Super Mario Maker Wii U - Tough Course Playthrough
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Super Mario Maker Wii U - Tough Course Playthrough


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